We understand that unexpected situations may arise that require you to cancel a course enrollment. We strive to be flexible while ensuring responsible use of our resources. This cancellation policy outlines the terms and conditions for canceling your enrollment in a BIM Cafe Learning Hub course.

1. Before Course Starts:

2. Cancellation In-Between Courses:

If you have enrolled in a multi-course program and wish to cancel between courses, the following policy applies:

Transfer Option:

You may transfer your enrollment to a future session of the same course or a different course offered by BIM Cafe Learning Hub, subject to availability.

3. Reasons for Cancellation:

We understand that unforeseen circumstances may require cancellation. While we cannot guarantee exceptions, we will consider requests for full or partial refunds on a case-by-case basis for documented medical emergencies or other extenuating circumstances. Please be prepared to provide supporting documentation.

4. Refund Process:

To initiate a cancellation, please contact BIM Cafe Learning Hub at: